Rene Caza

Rene Caza (19)

Rene Caza is married to his wife Yvonne. They were saved in 1975 in the ‘charismatic renewal’. They have three children and six grandchildren. Rene was involved in prison ministry for ten years. He taught Christian foundation classes in his local church and was also involved with men’s ministry.

Rene has written 3 books focusing on the Christian Church in the West and the evolution of it’s position on the Gospel and the Cross. These books are intended to confront and expose the church’s troubling departure from sound Biblical doctrine in the pursuit of teachers and teachings that satisfy their ears and hearts.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they draw to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” 2 Timothy 4:3

Rene invites you to read his books in prayerful consideration of his message.


Rene Caza

God Rules in the Affairs of Men

Recently over breakfast our conversation turned to the recently published book on Dietrich Bonheoffer. As we talked about this larger than life man someone mentioned the fact that it seems so bizarre that no matter how often the people around Hitler, military staff or associates…

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Rene Caza

The Heart of True Revival

The kingdom of God does not come with outward signs and manifestations; rather the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace,and joy in the Holy Ghost. (Romans 14:17) The endless talk about ‘revival’ with the signs and wonders associated with it seem to suggest that this…

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Rene Caza

On The Christian Horizon

Signs and Wonders on the Internet Trying to make some kind of sense of what seems to be stirring throughout the Christian Church can certainly be a formidable undertaking, and at times an unattainable task. Just take a few hours if you can spare them…

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Rene Caza

What Has Happened To The Cross?

As a Canadian, more importantly as a Christian living on this North American continent I cannot help but be deeply concerned over an issue of paramount importance, actually you could express it more accurately as an issue of paramount necessity. What has happened to the…

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