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Rene Caza

The Physics of Heaven – A Review

Since reading the book, ‘The Physics of Heaven’ by Judy Franklin and Ellyn Davis, I have felt a growing compulsion to respond to the many assertions which are, in my estimation neither science or Biblical in relation to God. To start let us set this…

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Rene Caza

No! We Are Not Gods!

The Christian headlines recently have marked the passing of Jan Crouch, co-founder of TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network). Jan and her late husband Paul (2013) were celebrity icons in Christian TV for over four decades and reported to be aired across 5000 stations worldwide, no small…

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Rene Caza

A Call To Arms

In this article I want to focus on what could only be described as a pandemic of deception sweeping through the Christian Church across the globe. Some would say, that’s nothing new; however what is new and very alarming is the momentum and the all-…

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Rene Caza

What Is Truth?

Pontius Pilate will forever be remembered for uttering those words as Jesus stood before him silently; falsely accused, awaiting Pilate’s judgment. This is perhaps the question of the ages. From the dawning moments of history and across the globe in our day — humanities ceaseless…

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Rene Caza

Grace, Grace and Nothing but Grace

“If there was anything of man’s bringing, which was not of God’s bestowing, though it were never so small, it would overturn the nature of grace, and make that of works which is of grace.” (Samuel Bolton; The True Bounds of Christian Freedom, p.94) Grace,…

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Rene Caza

Following The Pied Piper

Pied Pipers, Trojan horses and Angels of light all carry the connotation that things are not always as they appear. The Pied Piper was in fact not simply a fable passed down through the generations but many historians trust that this story, although it has…

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Rene Caza

When The Gospel Is Not Enough

The following article is a blend of thoughts ideas and observations from my newly released book entitled “When The Gospel Is Not Enough.” Let us start off by first boldly declaring that indeed the Gospel ‘is’ and will ever be enough for the saint or…

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