A Call To Arms
In this article I want to focus on what could only be described as a pandemic of deception sweeping through the Christian Church across the globe. Some would say, that’s nothing new; however what is new and very alarming is the momentum and the all- encompassing appeal – deception has gained within the ranks of the born again community of Christian believers.
The walls are indeed down!
If we were able to take a snapshot photograph of this phenomenon of deception throughout the Christian Church and especially in evangelical and charismatic assemblies in a single picture image, I can imagine it would reveal some dark angel standing over a high cliff holding in one hand a vile filled with some toxic contagious plaque labelled ‘seduction’ and with the other hand the sinister being uncaps and releases to the winds the spores of this infectious disease to be carried throughout the earth – contaminating the unwary multitudes.
Sound a little apocalyptic? Perhaps it should!
“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible even the elect.” (Matthew 24:24) “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” (1 Timothy 4:1) For some this may sound extreme and dire, yet they are nonetheless the facts. Those who are monitoring these strange and unsettling occurrences are witnessing a very disturbing movement. Others may think these statements are far- fetched and an unwarranted– ‘cry of wolf’; you may be surprised and even shocked to see how many congregations have opened their doors to such distortions. With a little study and research you may discover that those little ‘inner checks’ you have been feeling deep inside were in fact – a Holy Spirit warning!
The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta puts out warnings, bulletins and travel notices advising the general public and unwary travellers of the possible dangers of known and present illnesses affecting the population at home and abroad. It provides information for vaccines, guidelines for prevention and treatments but also advisories and cautions to stay clear of certain known and documented areas of infections. We do well to heed their advice. The CDC serves to instruct the public in matters of health providing not only treatment but practical wisdom and basic instruction in the prevention of disease and its control. You could say; the Bible is the perfect CDC for all matters of life and spiritual health. (Proverbs 4:20-23)
So what are we talking about here?
We are talking about well- known celebrity status preachers and teachers who have and continue to promote error in their teaching and pass it off as the Word of God. Teaching, practices and so called mystical experiences – that under the lens of scriptural scrutiny does not stand up to Biblical truth and Christian orthodoxy. You could say that it is being smuggled into Churches in small increments right alongside of the truth to evade detection. Error cloaked with truth intertwined and concealed being embraced as true and indisputable by countless believers – it all sounds right…
“…there shall be false teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable heresies.” (2 Peter 2:1)
Note the words; “privily shall bring in”. The Greek text renders these words as ‘paraeisago’
This Greek compound word amplifies the meaning of this verse. It is actually three words in one – para/eis/ago. PARA: (first part of Greek word) means- ‘alongside and very close’; it’s where we get the word ‘parasite.’ EIS: (next part) means-‘into’ and conveys the ideas of ‘penetration.’ AGO: simply means ‘I lead.’
Let’s put these word meanings together in context to amplify the verse of 2Peter 2:1. ‘These false teachers are leading the way of error and bringing into our assemblies destructive heresies alongside and very close to the truth to avoid detection to further penetrate the minds of the hearers.’ Providing the names of people or groups who have been influenced and compromised by these virulent strains of deception does not begin to contain or provide the necessary treatment for those already exposed.
As Christians we are exhorted through scripture to study God’s Word, to meditate upon it, to hide in our hearts, to rightly divide or dissect it. It is a light, a sword and the truth in which the Holy Spirit leads us and with its proper use we prove all things. (1 Thess. 5:21; John 14:17)
What I would like to do here in this article is to highlight some of the teachings that are the most prevalent and malignant pathogens and call attention to their well- known sources by name.
Some of these doctrines go back decades but they REMAIN the unstable and misleading foundations others continue to build upon – perhaps unaware, nonetheless perpetuating the error to new generations of believers who embrace their creeds as Biblical truth.
There are no spiritual ‘Quarantine’ centres to isolate believers from these infections in order to get them well, but we have all been equipped with Scripture to help restore our spiritual health with the necessary instructions to further avoid more exposure.
WARNING: To believers, we ALL must be vigilant about what we are listening to, watching and reading. It is our responsibility as a New Testament priesthood to “study to show yourself approved unto God while correctly dividing or dissecting the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15)
As with all diseases certain segments of the population are more at risk of infection, this is an obvious truth. Infants, toddlers, the elderly and people in general whose health is already compromised. Though healthy individuals contract disease (error or deception in this case) a good dose of scriptural antibodies will usually do the trick for them, while the other groups mentioned may be facing a more prolonged battle requiring extended instruction in an attempt to undo the effects of error.
Being trained in Scriptural truth is a necessary discipline, a basic requirement to stay alert and to help us recognize deception when it comes around avoiding certain areas of contamination. Let us take a moment to study a few scriptures to bring this fact home to us.
“Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them. For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Jesus Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.”- (or simple.) (Romans 16:17, 18) NASB We are warned by Paul to keep an eye on or take note of people who cause division, disunion, snares or occasions to fall (stumbling blocks). Here is the key ‘contrary to teaching you have learned.’ These believers had already been taught well by Paul and other apostles and teachers, but here Paul is warning them to mark those who teach contrary. WHY? Because they are not slaves of Jesus Christ but of their own desires and appetites. Paul tells the Roman believers (and us as well) to turn away from them. ( I will deal with ‘desires’ and ‘appetites’ in brief at the conclusion of this article; a second article will follow, where we will take a deeper look to better understand the points of entry of deception.)
We have been taught over the years that this pertained to certain individuals in the body of Christ or church congregations. Average folks, with their own brand of questionable theology, some quiet secretive types or the loose cannons, loud, unfounded, rough and aggressive individuals that ruffled other people’s faith, someone perhaps looking for a following, with a desire to split the church. This certainly could apply to those kinds of boisterous and at times deceitful individuals, but not likely!
Let us take note of this part of the verse, ’and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of ‘the simple’ (King James Bible) or the unsuspecting, innocent and harmless. This does not sound like your average person in the pew. Usually your average person shall be confronted before long by alert leadership who themselves are charged by God to watch over the flock in their care.
However, here is something to ponder:
What if it is NOT the average person in the pew but the LEADERS themselves who are deceiving the hearts of the unsuspecting? We shall look at this in a moment. So our first category that are prone to deceit is the ‘SIMPLE’. This is not to say that they are dumb or stupid, this is to point out I believe a simple faith and childlike trust in what is being taught and practiced by leaders. Believers who feel safe and secure in their surroundings. ‘Smooth and flattering speech’ is not how you would describe someone in the congregation who never gets the opportunity to speak let alone teach or preach, but it does depict a person who has the liberty and authority to stand before a group of people to share their biblical insights or a personal brand of error.
Category number two is children. “That we henceforth be no more children , tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; (Eph.4:14) KJ
The admonition is to quit acting like children who are tossed about with any and every teaching, fraud and trickery that comes through the back doors. The preceding verses and chapters bring instruction laying a firm and solid foundation for the Ephesian saints, grounding them to the many aspects of their common faith.
Again, take note that we are to ‘GROW UP’ and be aware that there are many winds of teaching; we are not to be tossed to and fro or to fluctuate from sound and proven doctrine. If any teaching sounds strange, different, odd or peculiar– than it probably is erroneous. You might not be able to put your finger on it but ‘if’ it leaves you with a question mark deep inside -then there is reason to pay close attention – something is off.
A SIDE NOTE: I understand that there are major doctrinal differences in the Baptist and Pentecostal camps (and beyond) that can keep this discussion going till the cows come home. I believe personally scripture is replete with solid teaching on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for believers and the gifting’s outlined in I Corinthians 12, 14 and clearly taught in the book of Acts.
We have ‘not’ all come to the unity of the faith.
“But when that which is perfect is come than that which is in part shall be done away.” (1 Cor.13:10) The context here is gifting’s, faith, prophecy and tongues. They are underscored by the other main theme in this chapter which is love. We know in part, we prophecy in part but when the perfect is come, which ‘some’ say is the Bible, but that is not what this chapter clearly states. In fact though the Bible is God’s Word – inspired to be sure- it is not the ‘perfect’ referenced here in verse 10. Otherwise since we have the Bible, than that which is in part will be done away with, well – we still know in part, see in part and love in part…
Though love is the better way, (1 Cor. 12:31) it does not do away with gifts, in fact we are admonished to desire earnestly the gifts. Faith is also subordinate to love. The gifts, the graces and even the Bible do not make us perfect. In Christ we are made perfect positionally but not in our experiences of life and interaction as a Church Body — we are still imperfect though we have the Bible.
“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”(Verse 12)
When Christ shall return and we see Him as He is then we shall be like Him – no longer through a glass darkly – then we shall be complete in Him in all aspects of our being, perfect. Then face to face not in part but fully known and to know fully. (1 John 3:2, 3)
“…are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord…” (2 Cor. 3:18)
I wanted to qualify the fact that gifting’s are in fact relevant for the New Testament Church. Though we have them, we still fall short of the ideal ‘Body of Christ’, but they are nonetheless real, present and available for believers, so that all may be edified and grow up into a full stature. (1 Cor. 12:7; 14:12, 26; Ephesians 4:12, 13)
This is perhaps the biggest reason why Charismatics and Full Gospel Evangelicals/Pentecostals are so prone to deception and error. We tend to associate and embrace anything supernatural and mystical as the Holy Spirit and relinquish our responsibility of knowing God’s word and testing the spirit to others. Trying to cloak ourselves with gifts and power in place of godly character and integrity. (1John 4:1; Titus 2:11, 12)END OF SIDE NOTE.
We have looked at two categories, the simple and the children, now we shall look at the ‘unstable.’
“Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: a heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: (2 Peter2:14) KJ
“Beguiling unstable souls” – in the Greek the word ‘beguile’ is also translated in English to mean “Entrap, allure, entice or delude”.
Let’s take another look at the beginning of chapter 2 in 2 Peter verse one, “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” Just as there were false prophets in Peter’s day he warns there will be false teachers in our present day AMONG US that will allure and delude unstable souls. Causing believers to vacillate or waver like ocean waves moving to and fro in their faith not knowing where to go and on what to stand. These leaders are following their passions or destructive ways and in their greed with feigned or artificial words – will make merchandise of you or exploit you.
But why would any Christian leader want to entrap or delude believers?
Perhaps the most accurate answer- giving these people the benefit of the doubt is that they themselves have opened up their minds to error and are now promoting it. Though sincere and well intentioned. The Bible on several occasions mentions greed as a driving force. Could it be greed for power, prestige, recognition or money? The requirement for deacons and elders were that they were to free from the love of money. (1 Tim.3:3, 8; Titus 1:7; 2 Peter 2:3) An entry where deception enters.
In this whole area of error and deception we are dealing with an ‘ANGEL OF LIGHT’ who seeks any and all opportunities to detour people away from the sure foundations of God’s Word and especially Christian leaders with obvious consequences and great collateral damage.
We have to understand that in all aspects of our faith we are prone to be attacked in the areas of our souls. We need to realize- areas that are not crucified are likely easy targets. These un-surrendered characteristics are our blind spots, our yet to be detected areas. Personal traits or behaviours that we are either unable or unwilling to surrender – areas we are not yet convinced are sinful or harmful. Perhaps overly confident – that we see our spiritual state accurately while allowing our back door to remain wide open for demonic influence.
You could accurately describe these problematic areas as our flesh, where self remains pre- imminent, un-crucified, empowered by selfish motives and ambitions being enticed by an unseen hand or force that do not exemplify the ‘fruit of the Holy Spirit.’. Sadly for many leaders this is an obvious realism.
I believe in this hour of the Church the primary open door to invite the devil in undetected is the un-bridled desire to have – POWER! Take Note: when our carnal appetites rule in place of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives — Spiritual POWER and authority become the irresistible cherries on the cake we must have!
Some of the more recent major foundational shift in the Christian Evangelical Church happened in the 1960’s 70’s and 80’s.Yet their ongoing influence is still impacting the Christian Church today as these teachings have metastasized and morphed, spilling over into other denominations with components of the same error.
The introduction of the ‘POWER OF FAITH’ which took faith from a solid Biblical understanding of a trusting confidence and dependence on a good God to a faith that within itself had the ‘power’ to basically GRASP from God any and all desires if we could only believe enough. Books with titles like, ‘Write your own ticket with God’; ‘The Believers Authority’; ‘Faith in Your Faith’ all aimed to take simple faith to the realms of a metaphysical self- indulgent mind power!
Well know names like Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland and others were themselves disciples of EW Kenyon who back in the late 1800’s was developing his own brand of heretical beliefs, his own hybrid doctrines. These are some of the beliefs Kenyon espoused that have become the major foundations of ‘WORD OF FAITH’ doctrines and have also been adopted in varying degrees by so many others though they are steeped in error. 1) Faith in your faith. 2) Guaranteed health or divine health. 3) Wealth and prosperity 4) spiritual death of Jesus 5) Christians are little gods.
Since I am naming some sources of where error originated, I will name a few more that have to a greater degree influenced Christian thought and hijacked Bible verses more than those previously mentioned with the specific intention to turn and twist them in order to reinforce their misplaced beliefs. Opening up the hearts and minds of unsuspecting believers now for decades. Please understand, we are judging ‘teaching’ here in light of scripture- not people. I believe many (not all) to be sincere people who truly love God but entertained and developed error into spiritual keys and laws and were themselves seduced by their ‘own desires.’ (I will expound on this in closing)
Oral Roberts was a household name back in the 50’s and 60’s as America’s faith healer with tent meetings and TV appearances for his healing crusades. He originated the ‘seed faith concept’ that has also been embraced worldwide as the Holy Grail of ‘believism’ one of the original spiritual ‘laws’ for receiving from God. Again what is so troubling with these so called divine principles is that– not only are they not real Biblical faith teaching BUT that their roots and origin reach back into New Age mind power and even worse the occult. This principle and many others like it do not reflect a genuine Biblical faith.
The embrace of these ‘secrets’ reveal within us our DISCONTENT and FEAR, trying to BIND God to a formula or a mysterious spiritual principle or law. This is an attempt to PERSUADE believers that God will deliver the goods because He is bound by our ‘spiritual keys’. NOT based out of His eternal goodness which He already promises throughout His Word – to meet ALL our needs; BUT because HE HAS TO – by the power of this LAW of faith.
Case and point, Napoleon Hill a name known far and wide for his books that have touched the lives of millions including many US presidents even being an advisor to Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Men like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison Andrew Carnegie and other influential men and women across the world have been greatly impacted by his teaching. Even well – known author and speaker John C. Maxwell encourages Christians to make Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think and Grow Rich’ a must read!
In his book ‘Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind’ Hill explains his visitations with the ‘Great School of Masters’; spirits who visited Hill regularly and revealed to him the secrets of success. Hill does not try to hide the fact that these visitors were not human nor a figment of his imagination. These were ‘Beings’ that visited him frequently.
The epic secret to success revealed to Hill by these demonic beings was: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” What is clear is that Hill had an enormous impact on Oral Roberts. They even shared the platform at speaking engagements along with Dale Carnegie and Norman Vincent Peale. Hill’s ‘Law of Compensation’ and Robert’s principle of ‘Seed Faith’ have an uncanny resemblance.
Hill’s books do not purport to be Christian in any way, nor biblically founded yet the principles and yes the secrets contained within them are and have been adopted and preached from many pulpits over the years as Gospel truth and undeniable Christian keys to success. Error smuggled in! These are the spores of the contagion I mentioned at the onset of this article, though seemingly harmless to the unsuspecting believer, these organisms have blown across the continents and have anchored themselves in one form or another into many individuals and major ministries who now are espousing the same lies.
The major premise from past OCCULT methodologies continue to impact a modern unsuspecting church who continue to communicate FAITH as an inherent power at our disposal. In simple terms:
Consider the following more recent errors as they continue to seduce multiple sincere Christians:‘Waking up angels, angel feathers, laying on the graves of saints long dead trying to pull up some latent power or anointing from their ashes; drunken Holy Ghost fest, toking on holy ghost reefer, contemplative prayer (or Christian yoga) to center yourself in the spirit. Teachings that Jesus needed to be ‘born again’ that he was just a man like you and I and that’s why we can do exactly what Jesus did in regards to miracles signs and wonders. We are encouraged to study New Age methods of tuning forks, sounds, colours because God gave them ‘tools’ that the Church supposedly needs for a more in depth spirituality? Taking dominion over the earth as part of the ‘seven mountains of influence’ teaching, our inherent rights as sons of God to rule the earth and present Jesus a new world upon His return.
I could go on and on here listing the inerrant teachings and practices blatantly broadcast as authentic and Bible based. ONE more source I will mention and only because of its far reaching influence worldwide. This heralded source has made quite a name for itself. At a glance it appears that this Church is Biblically sound without question. However, a second look will reveal some very disturbing teaching, and practices. None other than ‘Bethel Church’ of Redding California, pastored by Bill and Bennie Johnson.
Now, do they love God and believe they are serving God and extending the reaches of the Kingdom of God on earth – without a doubt! Are these people apostates, have they rejected Christ? I would say no; but they have embraced error and are endorsing it. Which in time without heeding correction will be their undoing. One reason so many tend to give this renowned congregation credence and continue to flock there is the age old belief that ‘the bigger it is and the greater the numbers that attend – lends itself to the idea that this certainly must be blessed of God’. With that kind of thinking the great migrations of believers in the Hindu religions and the pilgrimages of Islam to Holy sites could also be viewed by sheer numbers alone as God ordained or blessed. However, that is not the case.
We could drop names of places like Toronto, Lakeland, where people from around the world came to ‘get’ something from the revival, some touch, some experience of what they were seeing and hearing about. Was God there? Of course He was. The Holy Spirit was ministering to the needs of many sincere believers in the midst of a lot of questionable practices. BUT you couldn’t miss – the Self – serving characters, the grandiose prophetic words and the lifting up of men – not for the building up of the saints but rather the EXALTING of the BIG players and their movement.
Yet God was faithful to the throngs of sincere believers who went looking for HIM!
I have met and talked with people who were touched by God in those meetings, SO we can’t dismiss the whole thing and say God was not there, He was BUT ponder this as well – He is also here with me now, God will be at our fellowships on Sunday and Wednesday and whenever we meet and He is even with us in our vehicles on our way to the next meeting, imagine that!
“Our fathers worshipped in this mountain, and you people say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship” (John 4:20) Lady at the well having a dialogue with Jesus.
Or in other words she said, we have a special place where God is said to be stronger, His presence more powerful – we believe and our fathers as well believe it is in this mountain right here; yet you people (Jews) believe it is in Jerusalem. What’s with that anyway?
And Jesus said,”( in my words) Listen dear lady, there is a time coming when neither here nor Jerusalem nor anywhere else will hold a special status, for My Father seeks worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and truth, you won’t have to run around looking for Me. What are born again Christians seeking anyway? Perhaps this is our real question REVEALING a DOORWAY that opens the way to error and deception.
“If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our abode with him.”(14:23)
Yes I believe there are times of refreshing from the Lord, personal and corporately, revivals that bring with them the obvious fruits of humility, holy fear and brokenness in the sense of our awareness of our true selves before a Holy God. A corporate transformation as well that impacts communities not with whacky demonstration of what some people claim to be God’s power but a tangible holiness that brings unbelievers to their knees, to repentance without any theatrics or coaxing.
For the most part what we have witnessed in our recent past in reference to revivals have been the displays of boastful FLESH and the demonstration of SELF, not the scent from Heaven but of human sweat. We have witnessed in these revivals a noisy raucous, unruly distractions, a conflict of sorts where what was happening could be labelled as puzzling, confusing, where competing personalities were wanting a moment in the spotlight pushing God off to the sidelines. People screaming, shouting, laughing, and running around wildly, excessive certainly; people getting free? Perhaps some.
A general observation was that God WAS indeed ministering BUT in an atmosphere where certain leaders had brought in something ‘NOT HOLY NOR SACRED but ‘STRANGE’ and yet God in His goodness met many, countless people at their point of need. Galatians 5, highlights the ‘deeds or the works of the flesh.’ Let us take note of these three in particular: Idolatry, witchcraft and heresy, quite the heavy weight combo! (This will be a future teaching on its own so I will try to be brief and to the point in this conclusion.)
What are we seeking as Christians?
If it is God we seek then He is near, within us by His Holy Spirit. In the scripture above Jesus says if we keep His word, the Father will love us, WOW that counts for everything. Plus, they – Father and Son will come and make their abode (residence) with us.
If we walk by the Spirit we shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16) Flesh will always rise up to the surface and ‘take the field’ when we are not walking in God’s Spirit or we are not walking in obedience to His word. Most of what I have laid out in the areas of error and deception are in themselves works of the flesh which lead to – HERESEY. Teachings and practices that are works or deeds of the flesh which bring disunion and confusion among believers and carries the adherents as far as the heresy (flesh) will take them.
Deception is deadly, it bypasses many barriers undetected.
Please consider, when our flesh is ruling the house (souls) – God’s word is ‘not’ a welcomed visitor! One major red flag that something is gone awry in a group, or individual is an unwillingness to bring the practice or teaching in question under the spotlight of the Bible to review the error in a peaceful open forum. There will be hesitation and a dismissive attitude and then damage control BUT not CORRECTION. Teaching error is a work of the flesh, blind to the truth and unsubmissive to the true Holy Spirit.
Remember our flesh is hostile to the true Spirit of God and will not submit itself to it. (Romans 8:8)NASB
Second point is WITCHCRAFT, what is witchcraft? It is the craft of a witch that seeks to control and manipulate people or circumstances for their own gain and purposes. This is much more common in churches than most people will admit or discern. It is interesting to note that listed in Galatians 5 is the fruit of the Spirit. Love, joy peace patience…These are real and tangible, discernable characteristics of God’s presence as well as fruit in a person’s life or ministry.
So often we fail to discern deeds or works of the flesh because they pop up in our lives on occasion or even more regularly than we care to admit. However, we cannot dismiss them or fail to call them what they are when they are manifest and especially when church services or revival meeting are OVERTAKEN by them. This is a great disservice to the Holy Spirit, for without correction it brings confusion to the Body of Christ and provides an ongoing cover up for carnal ministries to continue whose sole purpose is not to lift up the name of Jesus or His Word but a masked or veiled strategy to further exalt their name or ministry.
Earmarks to watch for are; controlling, intimidation, bullying, manipulation, lies, twisting scripture, explosive when questioned on authority; leaders who have exclusive understanding of God’s vision or will; highly anointed, (above anyone else) high levels of discernment (others are not as spiritual and cannot appraise situation or issues like them).
Witchcraft is the sin of rebellion (I Samuel 15:23) it is not interested in submission to the Holy Spirit, or others – it is doing its own thing! Un- crucified flesh is the stomping grounds of the devil himself, who is working undetected while promoting the man or the women, fanning the flames of self- assertiveness, pride and egotism and then more troubling – moves on to spiritual abuse! Controlling and manipulating unwary people who see everything as God’s Spirit, submitting themselves obediently to degrees of exploitation not daring to ask or challenge obvious red flags. Yet for seasoned saints there is not the witness of God’ Spirit but the undeniable aroma of ‘FLESH’ at work.
Lastly, idolatry or image worship, yet whose image are we truly worshiping. Again, idolatry is a work of the flesh. Believers who walk in the Holy Spirit exalt Jesus. Not in any certain location or place but we worship God in the Spirit and truth. We may not bow down to statues but perhaps we have exalted men and women and ministries to the place where they are beyond question, or correction, they tend to portray and uphold a divine quality about themselves that in their minds as well as their followers leaves them outside the reach of accountability to other men. In their twisted mystical infallible auras these ministers continue to promote without any qualm of conscience or question their own fallacious doctrines that they themselves purport and believe about themselves that they are in fact – ‘little gods’ – yes there is idolatry in the Church!
The Church has lost for the most part the ability to discern evil and flesh only because we are dazzled at the prospect of gain being waved in front of us—sound familiar? It reveals a discontentment of God’s actual call upon the Church, a ministry or an individual. How can we hear the ringing witness of God’s Spirit when our pursuit is no longer simply for love of God and obedience to His Word, but for all the stuff and merchandise being offered to believers? Power, prestige, health, prosperity —godhood!
Invitations to come forward for a touch, an impartation, an anointing, with multiple prophetic words of riches and power and recognition — appeals that cloud our eyes and shifts the focus away from where it should rest and so often awakens our flesh for more. Don’t settle for God’s humble call on our lives were told – but reach out and take it! Claim it! Declare it – and it’s yours. We may be reaching outside of what God has graced and equipped us for.
Throngs from all over the world converging on one place – looking to be affirmed, loved, understood, held, healed or encouraged.
The fact is – we are running to the mountains looking for something God has already promised He would meet for every hungry and needy soul. To say that Toronto or Lakeland or Redding California is the place of God’s greater presence or power is to ‘miss’ the New Testament teaching by a country mile. To embrace teaching and doctrines of demons that pretend to give us secrets to fame and fortune, supposed divine keys and special anointings DO NOT build into believers a trust and confidence in a good God. Rather these formulas UNSETTLE their faith believing that God is withholding some truth that ONLY these secrets or places will UNLOCK, casting shadows that His Word is not adequate nor relevant. This is a baited lure designed to entice – but from where, certainly not Heaven.
“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Tim.3:7) We are in part to blame, the Book of James teaches that, “each one is tempted when he is carried away by his own lust.”(James 1:14) If we are at rest in God and in His promises we will NOT be enticed or moved by grand claims to money or power with fantastic appeals from these many false teachers and prophets that what they offer is somehow MATCHLESS, passed down to the faithful few!.
This is why people are running to and fro LOOKING and DESIRING a word or touch of God from the hands and mouths of these celebrity ministers. Average people who have a large emptiness in their hearts, souls or bank accounts – will in time realize – ONLY seeking Jesus in the secret place will meet the desires of your heart. MANY, trusting and anxious believers are wide open for deception because they have NOT SETTLED the issue that God alone will meet ALL their needs in fellowship with Him – wherever they are. They are not forgotten nor overlooked. Pilgrims who travel the world looking for answers or who mail away large sums of money in hope that God will see their genuine sincerity have bought into the LIE, all the while, God waits patiently – He is available to every believer who desires Him. (John 14:21, 23 Phil. 4 19)
The sad truth is the devil also knows the true state of the Church and yes believer’s hearts. These fables and myths have found suitable ground in many well- meaning, sincere but carnal ministers that are being themselves used to astound believers everywhere with their own or some other magicians wiles and trickery. All designed to entice saints from the peace and security of good solid Bible teaching in their local Churches and tantalizing them to unchartered mystical waters. Tragically these heresies are now exported worldwide.
A call to arms:Let us once again take up our Bibles, and return to the secret place of the most High. (Ps 91)
“The things that you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2)NASB
“Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.”(2Tim.1:13)NASB
“But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith longsuffering, charity, patience,” (2 Tim. 3:10) KJ
But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.”(Hebrews 5:14)NASB
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires.”(2Tim.4:3)NASB