The Heart of True Revival

The kingdom of God does not come with outward signs and manifestations; rather the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace,and joy in the Holy Ghost. (Romans 14:17)

The endless talk about ‘revival’ with the signs and wonders associated with it seem to suggest that this is the full sum of what God offers the church. We so often hear that when revival comes the masses from the world will flood into the church and get saved and that anyone needing healing physical or otherwise will just be able to take hold of it because of the great anointing that will preside over the event.

All this sounds so wonderful and appealing – who would not want it? However I believe that these are more the headlines you might see on a newspaper but as you read on and study the details you see a different story. I am not discounting or abasing any genuine visitation of God  that would be foolish of me or anyone else. Whatever ‘moves of God’ or times of refreshing God may bring are certainly needed outpourings divinely appointed by God to benefit the Church and certainly to shine a glorious light in the prevailing darkness around us. These are awesome moments for anyone blessed to have experienced these rivers of life, in no uncertain terms these are the glorious exceptions that God in His divine providence graciously poured out to re ignite the smouldering embers of the believers and to fulfill His purposes in the earth as we are taught that “God rules in the affairs of men”.

I would like to take a look at the heart and soul of the individual, you and I, what happens when the show is over, the lights are turned off and the church doors are closed for the day? What in truth are we left with, what essence or substance have we come away with? Probing questions do need to be asked .It would appear that we all want what God has for us; maybe it’s a touch that will renew us maybe a physical healing or a re- commitment to God to live faithfully for Him again. These are to be sure all fine and good. But if we were to step back and take an honest look at what is it that God truly wants, not so much what we think we need. We would come to the conclusion and have to agree with scripture which would reinforce the primary work of God in the human heart; which is to conform the man or woman into the image of Jesus Christ. God’s purpose has not changed since the book of Genesis and the creation of man, “let Us make man into our image and likeness”. Preaching and sharing the Gospel to the lost is very important, however, as Paul shared in 1Corinthians 9:27 “but I buffet my body and make it my slave, lest possibly, after I have preached to others I myself should be disqualified.”

In a previous article I mention the fact that many in the ‘church’ have become stuck in the mud here with the emphasis on revival , anointing and impartations and are unable or unwilling to move beyond outward manifestations as though they were the all important aspects of God’s character or desire. It would appear that the North American church like Peter on the mountain top of transfiguration just wants to build a tent and remain there for the long term. Of course this would have been a wonderful experience nevertheless this was not the reason God had intended for this splendid meeting. This was about Jesus, it also allowed the disciples to catch another glimpse of the majesty of Christ and His glorious identity in the unfolding purpose the Father destined for Him. This was not about building a lasting shrine on the mountain or to write a book on his wonderful experience as seems to be so prevalent these days.

This was to glorify Jesus, this was not going to be a place that the disciples would return to for an added touch , or to pray for another brilliant light to stream down on them  or to carry on a campaign up on the mountain where He once overshadowed Christ. This does sound a little foolish doesn’t  it.

However this illustrates a very good analogy of the modern church. We have a tendency to always want to capture God and His Spirit in a capsule form so we can repeat the experience over and over without grasping the larger spiritual issues, almost like prescribing a pill for what ails us. We repeat our special meetings and prayers in the hope that God will repeat the same glory experience and we can again receive another dose of the goose bumps and the shakings and we fall out on the floor and we leave that service in the hope to get another dose of the Holy Ghost the next day. You could describe this scenario as revival junkies ever looking for another Holy Ghost fix.

What’s wrong with the day to day average life God in His infinite wisdom has called us to and planted us in a very common setting of humdrum events of work, marriage and raising a family along with a litany of other mundane and mediocre daily chores and demands. The mountains are the places of God’s abiding, we were never meant to simply lie around and remain spiritually ‘waterlogged’ by soaking up a glory cloud on a continuous basis. We like Moses are invited up into His Presence and although we may not like it when God tells us to go back down the mountain and back to the land He is leading us into which still lies unconquered before us. The land where God has placed us is the land of our inheritance and appointment by God. Here in this land we engage in wars with our spiritual enemies and it is in this land where the giants live as well, no coincidence either.

To want God and thirst for Him is right and normal (Ps.42) but to try and capture a moment of ecstasy or touch from God by repeating yesterday’s formula or procedure is a recipe for futility and deception. What God ordains for me in my ongoing journey and relationship with Him is His alone to determine and orchestrate, I need only to keep my eyes on Him and allow my heart to come under the transforming and at times the correctional hand of God. Jesus never returned to that same mountain again to try and capture a similar experience nor did He pray to His Father to revisit this same place with all the former manifestations.

My question is then why do we keep asking to duplicate a former encounter we may have enjoyed when He has purposed other wonderful moments together but in His time table and only when He deems they are necessary or when we are ready. Our asking and intercession should be preceded not only with prayer but by the leading and promptings of the Holy Spirit. We are not at liberty just to pray what we want, we may actually be praying amiss if we are only led by desire alone.

When a large part of the church decides to build tabernacles based on yesterdays visitation then I believe we are missing God. Has God abandoned the Church, His Body? I don’t think so. However, unless we obey Him and the directions He gives us can we expect Him to honour and bless our efforts? The big problem here is that maybe we are trying to persuade God to do our will when He has no interest in our present endeavours. We may feel bored and that the times call out for great moves of God. Perhaps we are embarrassed about God or the Church in its lack of power or activity, whatever the reasons may be, our prayers and labour should be in response to His leadings and not ours.

Our own high ideals will steer us wrong every time. When God speaks things happen just a little seed of faith from God (not our own) moves the mountains and turns worlds upside down, our own deeds always produce regret as in the case of Abraham and Ishmael.

The Church has been given everything it needs to equip the individual saint and to continue to be the source of blessing and power as it prevails in overcoming the kingdoms of this age.

“… His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness…”but it can only be through a true knowledge of Him. (Christ) 2 Peter 1: 3) This is the commitment God has towards us, He has held nothing back from us. Some things will only be ours as we mature and come into a fullness of time. There are seasons of Gods own choosing and scheduled time where He ordains for ‘other things’ to enrich the church and the individual saint and we cannot just pray them in or believe them to happen, rather we will grow into them as mature sons and daughters of the Father.

The truth being the church is tired of waiting on God; it believes it really knows what is necessary and like a spoiled child it keeps insisting on what it perceives it needs. Which in my opinion reveals a great deal of pride. Whatever is in the heart of God for us He will in time reveal it to us. and When we get the epiphany or revelation or the burden from His holy Spirit, in obedience  we will  hopefully  begin to pray and seek God for its realization as He will  grace us to see it through.

It is God who says” behold I do a new thing” nothing good ever originates out of our own souls unless the Spirit of God planted or birthed it there. What is it that we could say for sure that God is going to enact next week or next year, not much if anything unless of course God reveals it to us somehow. So for us to make statements that we are praying ‘in’ such and such a thing is a real stretch unless God’s Holy Spirit has led us to pray in this direction. Again we are not at liberty to pray out grocery list.

Of course God is good and we do get pressed in our lives about many needs that just dispense from our hearts. This is not to say that as people we can never pour out with our needs and let Him know them. What I am trying to underscore is not so much the content or themes of our prayers and petitions but the true heart conditions that is at ‘rest’ in the waiting and abiding. The one who knows of the goodness and mercy of His God  will bear up in a place of active obedience until that answer is sent and whatever be the answer that same person will remain at rest because he or she has come to know Him in truth, and will not be greatly shaken from a silent response.

The true test of my spirituality and faith is not the amount of prayers that I can have answered or how many people I have witnessed to; it will be that at the end of the day I am still ok and at peace when things and events have not changed. Even when the sky is brass and darkness veils His face, when adversity seems to be my constant companion, I still am at rest in the provision He has sent me or its absence. “My soul thirst for God yea, the living God, when shall I come and appear before Him.”(Ps.42)

This dear friend is genuine revival, waiting for us to enter in.