The Physics of Heaven – A Review
Since reading the book, ‘The Physics of Heaven’ by Judy Franklin and Ellyn Davis, I have felt a growing compulsion to respond to the many assertions which are, in my estimation neither science or Biblical in relation to God.
To start let us set this book’s many conjectures and suppositions all of which we will take a closer look at in a moment against a backdrop of a few scriptures that may shed some Biblical light on our discussion and set our feet back on solid Biblical authority.
“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so called: which some professing have erred concerning the faith, Grace be with you. Amen.” (1 Timothy 6:20, 21)
“Beware lest any man spoil you or lead you away as booty through philosophy and vain deceit or delusions after the traditions of men after the rudiments or elements of the world and not after Christ.” (Colossians 2:8)
Timothy and the Church at Colossae (and many others in the New Testament) were warned not only about the ‘in your face oppositions’ – the obvious and recognizable error that for the average believer then and now are readily recognized and to be avoided but also the many various fabricated and influential teachings that come wrapped with all the appearance of absolute facts. All designed to bolster and reinforce a type of pseudo- science, a deeper knowledge that is peddled about the contemporary Church with new and exciting revelations marketed as ‘truth’ – however what is true is that this trove of newfound knowledge is not new and it will lead New Testament believers away from Christ.
In today’s evangelical/ charismatic circles great appeals are being extended to believers everywhere: ‘Leave the safety of old fashioned Christianity, explore and venture into the hidden mysteries of creation itself, discover hidden realms within yourself and exciting frontier of the universe break free into a spiritual liberty beyond the restrictive boundaries of scripture’. In books and internet media, what was once whacky, mystical and far out has become the center stage focus where renowned leaders of today boldly promote error without flinching and encourage others to follow in their wake.
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” (2 Tim.3:13)
As we will see the contributors of this book have in my opinion overstepped themselves in grand ways by taking their own discoveries that are beyond the scope and observations of true science and the latitude of laboratory analysis and testing and are attempting to pawn these so called discoveries off as genuine science.
Most importantly this concoction is neither science nor is it Biblical – nonetheless it is being presented as both. This is bold and brash indoctrination that smacks in the face of accepted sacred truth and contradicts New Testament admonitions to stay clear of philosophies, delusions or imaginations of men for fear that “some men spoil or in plain English seduce you and lead you away as booty.”
From the very onset of the books endorsements in the beginning pages each contributor tries to ease your hesitations and reluctance with words like excitement, exploration, physics, the convergence of science and spirituality, being ‘switched on’ to the present reality and our strategic role. It’s brought across as if this should be an accepted practice in the Evangelical/Charismatic Church and a present Biblical reality that should set everyone’s mind at ease, lower their guard and dive right into these new dimensions which are nothing short of metaphysics, (beyond physics) New Age and yes even the occult.
Let’s begin.
The foreword by Kris Vallotton who happens to be the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church in Redding California calls it a powerful book: ‘Judy Franklin and Ellyn Davis (says Valloton) have assembled a team of seers who peer behind the curtain of creation to reveal the mysterious nature of the Creator. Through their collective intelligence these seers have emerged with new perspectives never before pondered.’
That’s quite a statement “new perspectives never before pondered”. They “peered behind the curtain of creation and are now ready to reveal the nature of our Creator”? Sounds pretty fascinating, even incredible!
However, in the next breath he goes on to misquote and misapply Ephesians 3:8.9 saying basically that the Saints are to “… bring to light… the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things; so that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.” (Introduction – p. i, ii) What Paul is speaking about here is clearly stated in the preceding verses of Ephesians 3. The fact that Paul himself was given a dispensation of grace towards the church (v2) the revelation (or mystery which is Christ – v4) made known to Paul by God where in other ages was not made known (v5). That is now made known to the apostles and prophets.
What is this great mystery? That the Gentiles should be made fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the Gospel (v6) and that Paul who is least of all the saints – grace was given that he (Paul) should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches in Christ (v8) to make all men see the fellowship of this mystery which has been hidden in God.
This verse and many other scripture verses throughout the book are twisted and misapplied to suggest and teach that we ‘the saints’ are to embark on some supernatural quest in search of deep, hidden and profound knowledge or revelation not revealed to us. To become as quoted in the book- ’a spiritual ‘Christopher Columbus’ exploring the unknown veiled secrets about God and creation hidden from the foundations of the world – this is intentionally done to seduce and mislead unsuspecting believers, peaking their curiosity drawing them away from Christ.
The greatest revelations (mysteries) Paul was given and that the whole world could ever know have already been given, already revealed, which are: ‘That the Gentiles have been brought into the body through the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Eph. 3:6) That Christ in us is the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27) That by grace through faith are we saved. (Not by works)It is the gift of God. (Eph. 2:8)
These mysteries which Paul preached to the lost, to the Jews and unto the newly formed assemblies of saints was to open the eyes and hearts of the Gentiles and the Jews who began to understand the love and grace of God towards them. These mysteries had been hidden in times past but from the time of Paul, the apostles and the prophets this mystery was revealed and proclaimed to all the churches through the gospel.
So the question begs to be asked: what mysteries are floating around out there just waiting for us to discover that God has not already revealed to us in Christ? What can be more important and life altering then what has been handed down to us through the Bible? What hidden things is God holding back from us that we must seek out on our own through questionable methods? This sounds very much like what Satan aroused in Eden when he implied God was holding back something from Adam and Eve.
The lure is to entice believers away from a sound scriptural basis out into the deep where there is no solid footing and no real points of reference – a place where all streams of thought and knowledge despite their source merge together to form some utopic ‘Age of Aquarius’ love fest. In the second introduction by Judy Franklin (A glimpse of things to come) she explains how Ellyn and she went on their journey of discovery with God into sound, light, energy vibrations and quantum physics. Why? Because she believes God has shown them both the ‘absolute truth’ that will help us bring God’s kingdom to this earth using sound, light and energy. (p. viii)
That sounds like the Gospel doesn’t it? It would appear from the onset that any new revelation we are going to witness will originate not from any God breathed existing scriptural basis or by way of Jesus Christ the Son of God but from sounds, vibrations and energy.
She quotes Bill Johnson in her introduction (one of the contributors) who writes: “that we can’t just camp around old truth but should seek newly revealed truths for our generation and then preserve those truths for the generations that follow.” This is from the man who encourages believers to ‘go off the map’ in reference to seeking truth outside of the Word of God. (See previous articles) What new truth can possibly eclipse God’s Word, or Jesus Christ?
It should not come as any surprise to serious Bible students to comprehend that clear-cut, unambiguous Bible verses used in this book are intentionally – partially quoted or misquoted for the purpose of giving credence to their mission and agenda, while on the other hand ignoring obvious explicit warnings in regards to what they are in fact endorsing and should avoid – go figure? In closing her introduction she mentions how she read the end of the book called the Bible and I quote, “and guess what we win,” then goes on to explain a version of what that means which stands in clear contradiction to what the Bible explicitly teaches concerning end times.
Judy Franklin sums this up to say: “… the greatest error we could ever commit is to think that this world is going to get so bad that He will snatch us out quickly before we all die. That is not winning… “(p. xi) Well Judy you might want to do a study on what Jesus, Paul, Peter and Jude (to name a few) had to say about the last days.
Now without dragging this article out too long I wanted you to hear a little from Ellyn Davis co-author and contributor, for more insight as to where these individuals are coming from. I will also add a few quotes from other well – known and lesser known co – authors to sharpen our discernment to this deceptive entrapment – the Bible clearly warns us to escape. NOTE: This book can be a useful tool to improve your ‘spiritual noses’ and help believers understand how far some individuals are willing to go – baptizing anything supernatural and mystical, thus embracing every paranormal and bizarre activity and teaching into the Christian faith.
Ellyn Davis in her admission was a true blue hippie of the sixties, as you read through her chapter (chapter two; page 11)) entitled “Extracting the Precious From the Worthless” you notice that those New Age dreams she had back then were never really laid to rest. She mentions, (p. 13) and I quote “while my own dreams simmered other former Hippies quietly morphed the dream of a new age into a multifaceted belief system dedicated to achieving heightened spiritual consciousness.”
What does this new age spiritual consciousness supposed to look like? Davis states that it will not be by protest or turning on or in, BUT by “developing powers of the mind, aligning with positive energies, and removing physical, mental and emotional blockages to enlightenment” It appears that this burgeoning New Age began for many by eagerly accepting and experimenting with Eastern and Native American religious practices, metaphysical philosophies, alternative healing methods and altered states of consciousness.” (p.13)
Now for any seasoned Christian your caution light should be flashing ‘danger’ by now realizing that all these different aspects she just mentioned are hazard zones, areas where we have been taught over the years to avoid because they DO NOT lead us to Christ or a dependence on the Lord. In fact many of us were delivered from the spiritual demonic powers that influence and even rule in these domains of darkness and yet as we see here and throughout the book we have these supposed Christian leaders advocating that there is life and light with wonderful revelations in this self – same practices.
One of the key phrases used in this chapter and repeated in many other places in this book is “whenever you see a counterfeit, it means a real exists”. Certainly there are many counterfeits however the strange and peculiar thing is – The Bible is the real deal, it is the truth, the Holy Spirit has inspired its texts, it is the treasure store for all who seek for answers. That’s why the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the light in a dark world – Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.
All of us who were sitting in darkness bound by chains of addiction, fear, depression, we who were lost, hopeless and yes so many of us who came out of those very dark mystical places, paths of enlightenment – these authors are now encouraging us to return. To find what exactly?
Let it be said that pursuing the counterfeit looking for the real leads to more emptiness and confusion. The master of deception, Lucifer, will be glad to lead all who step away from the security and truth of the Bible to entertain their curiosity on all forms and levels of New Age, whether metaphysical vibrations, sounds color –they all lead in time down the garden path to their own spiritual demise.
We have a well-known supposed prophet Bob Jones telling us to vibrate in harmony with God and that vibrations are a portal; perhaps – but to where? (p.26)
Bill Johnson states that there are all these ‘unclaimed mantles and anointing’s even mysteries just sitting there waiting for us to lay claim to them. Where is this taught in the Bible? He goes on to quote the verse that, ‘it’s ‘the Father’s good pleasure to give you the ‘secrets of the Kingdom.’(p.31) Can’t God give us our own unique mantle or anointing? Bill Johnson must have a green streak in him wanting us to ‘recycle’ even spiritual gifting’s so we don’t exhaust God’s bountiful resources and supplies. Take note here, this verse is intentionally misquoted by adding ‘the secrets’ of the kingdom. There is no ‘secret’ in this verse. (Luke 12:32) The context here is about not being concerned about what we shall eat and drink, all natural daily things we at times worry about. Jesus is saying these will be taken care of and yes even more than this – it’s the Fathers pleasure to give you the kingdom. Let me also add here, where is this Kingdom, our treasure? Is it in some far away deep dark corner of the universe where we must discover by contacting New Age practitioners? Consult spiritual gurus? Study astrological charts and incantations?
Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:21) There is always this implied idea that there are all these profound spiritual ‘secrets’ and powers out there somewhere and if we just seek them out by delving into the outer limits of mysticism these keys and secrets can be acquired but only beyond the reaches of the Bible. The Bible has become to them too narrow and stringent, boring – therefore confining them to the same ‘old truths’ as Johnson says that so far have apparently not been enough to satisfy these great giants of the faith.
Jonathan Welton, bless his heart, has found 75 examples in the Bible that the New Age has counterfeited. Welton tells us that spirit guides, trances, auras, power objects, clairvoyance, clairaudience and more ALL belong to the Church and yes they have been stolen and cleverly repackaged.(p.49) Well Jonathan, it might be a good idea to leave them all there where you found them, the Church has no need of them. The Holy Spirit is doing a wonderful job in the Church and He has no need of those ‘stolen goods’.
Cal Pierce has an angel that visits him and wants to talk about energy. He also visited the grave of John G. Lake once a month for over a year. Perhaps the original place where grave-sucking began? Anyway, he believes angels and people will partner up because this teamwork will activate believers to revelation of truth so we will then be able to speak out into creative forms. (p.93)
I will just mention and not comment on it here as I have in other posts- that this is not innocent searching, it is not new nor benign. As you read you see implications everywhere about creative power of your words. Godlike abilities – this is not coincidence but in fact the goal of these mystical explorers – who like so many others gone before them and presently – brazenly desire and seek to be gods.
Larry Randolph says he is not discouraged by the fact that our minds are unable to pick up all the frequencies through which God communicates with us. Randolph claims God speaks with us on so many levels that we do not know how to interpret the spiritual bandwidth through which He communicates. It seems to me that Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice. Why would God speak on some bandwidth that we have no idea what He is saying? (John 10:27) Maybe Larry should try spending time in prayer, just a suggestion.
Some of the other co-authors are big on sound and vibration; in their opinion, if we embrace the teaching in regards to vibrations and sounds they shall take us to new levels of heaven. New potential spiritual encounters with sounds and vibrations should not be limited by past experience. ’God’ (Dan McCollam says) ‘wants to broadband your ability to receive from Him.’ Dan also says ‘Intentionality as it applies to ‘vibrational sensitivity’ is simply the decision to see and listen.’(p.86)
Ray Hughes writes, ’the sound God desires to release will chase religion from the church and bring truth.’(p.75).This book could sure use some of those sounds right now — to bring truth!
“The quantum leap of knowing your purpose and assignment is waiting as a God quiff for you to pop! “ (p.137) Thanks David Koevering not sure what you’re talking about but I think I’ll hold off on the quantum leap for now.
Well enough already, yet there is so much more and I am just scratching the surface here.
I do not doubt the love and sincerity these contributors have for the Lord. They are very intelligent individuals who have in many respects gone to the front of their class as distinguished leaders. What is troubling to me is that anytime people, small human beings as ourselves think we have figured out God in His essence, how He exist, how He rules and reigns, and His eternal purpose for us and in their analysis conclude basically that this eternal God’s fathomless dimensions of character, power and presence operates and are understood within the framework of their observations, novel revelations and newly acquired knowledge, then yes its troubling.
The scientific jargon of quantum leaps, upper bandwidth levels of communication with God to see things in the future, vibrational sensitivity – it all sounds very technical and comes nicely wrapped with a mystical aura to give it, I suppose, more credibility? The few verses of scripture used in this book are certainly stretched beyond the context of their meaning. What has happened to relationship with God? What about, abiding, personal, intimate seeking after God for who He is and how He Himself reveals Himself to us and how Jesus told us to relate to Him as – Father. Not as some vibration or molecular bandwidth.
So what are these people looking for that they cannot find in Christ?
Consider 2 Peter 1:3; in which its context and meaning are not murky nor confusing: “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.” We have been given ALL things that pertain, relate and affect our – life, all dimensions of our life, spiritual, physical, emotional and intellectual. All things have been given us by God to live godly overcoming lives that exalt God and they are given to us as we grow in relationship with Him, in Him and our understanding of Him as a person not a force. God has called us to glory and virtue they are not ours by self -discovery or peering into the cosmos of energy particles or Nano seconds.
How can well-meaning intelligent believers be so deceived into thinking that somehow God has purpose, revelation, knowledge or wisdom for His own people by seeking New Age metaphysical and yes occultic practices and methods? It does not make sense UNLESS those secret little areas of your heart, those curious little areas where someone entertains a desire for personal power, wisdom or authority to wield at their own discretion. Revelation gained NOT by the Holy Spirit but by so called scientific discovery or divine spirit guides whom they claim are heavenly messengers to lead and help us uncover secrets of the universe – that so many of these mystics feel the Bible lacks?
The Bible I can only suppose is viewed by these divine geniuses as boring, limited and restrictive. Their desire apparently is for more knowledge and divine understanding for themselves and the only way they can grasps this so called wisdom, power and knowing is by seeking it through other ‘channels’ – quite literally. This should reveal to most of us the unmitigated thirst for the exaltation of the man – the SELF; despite their arguments for the good of all mankind and believers everywhere, this is about the big “I” This is a re- enactment of the Garden of Eden episode to become Gods, a grand deception in which they are oblivious to, believing that perhaps they are beyond being sucked in by the devil in their pursuit for more enlightenment.
The Church has turned its focus away from the authority of God’s Word and His warnings ‘to not eat of the Tree of Knowledge’. The Evangelical/Charismatic Church seems to be tracking its own course on its own internal combustion that will in time run out of steam. If we are not careful — we believers who have been brought into the family of God to enjoy the vast blessings and privileges that have been freely given us; to walk with God in the cool of the day – to enjoy a wonderful fellowship with Him — may in time be enticed by the serpent as well. (As we have witnessed in this book)
Be aware: to belittle that relationship by ignoring the voice of God and His word will lead believers to grasp in their hands the empty promises of the sorcerer’s lies that they so confidently believed would deliver to them authority, knowledge, power – the secrets of the universe!
“Which doeth great things past finding out; yea wonders without number.”(Job 9:10)
“Thy way is in the sea and Thy path in the great waters and Thy footsteps are not known.”(Ps.77:19)
“Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgements, and His ways past finding out.” (Romans 11:33)
In closing, many people that I have talked to concerning this book and the gallery of authors/contributors therein can’t understand why certain well known individuals have put their name or written a chapter in this genre of book. Here’s the short answer: You put your name and the substance of what you believe in the books you author.