What Has Happened To The Cross?

As a Canadian, more importantly as a Christian living on this North American continent I cannot help but be deeply concerned over an issue of paramount importance, actually you could express it more accurately as an issue of paramount necessity.

What has happened to the Cross?

The cross I refer to is not so much the wooden beams the Romans used to crucify Jesus, although that would be partially correct yet it would miss the more profound meaning in no small way.

Jesus said in Mathew 16:24 “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me.” This cross is the ‘cross’ of denying our own will our own ways our self-serving ambitions our… you get the point.

The cross in essence is the ‘collision of two wills, ours and God’s and the emergence of only one, and that of course would be God’s.

His will alone has to become our number one mandate in order that we might abide in a relationship that continues to be vibrant and life giving. Our early years as Christians seemed earmarked with a mindset that was primarily self- serving, which is of course is normal for infants. However, in order to mature, we all at some point must allow the Father to rear us into adulthood via the cross and its various aspects.

The ‘cross’ which was once the mainstay of our preaching across the land has now been relegated to the attic as some ‘outdated’ and unwanted piece of furniture, making room for the new wave of Christian thought. This might seem to many just a natural progression over time or an oversight, a slip; however I would regard it as a well- orchestrated assault, an insidious spiritual sleight of hand on  one of many important foundational teaching the church holds in trust.

What has taken center stage in our Christian communities reveals how much of the ‘world’ has crept in unnoticed.

The hundred and one success- orientated books all meant to build up the spiritual man or woman of God have in the process molded them into the image of this age rather than that of Christ. While we have been pampering our self-image the image of Jesus has been somewhat neglected.

“…I delight to do Thy will, O my God; Thy law is written in My heart.” (Ps. 40:7,8) This is the quintessence of the Son of God. His only purpose, more than life itself was ‘to do’ the Father’s purpose, this directive propelled Him to serve His Father with a holy passion. There was no moving off course not for a moment to assert Himself, or veer off on some other self- serving tangent.

How often we have heard, we may even have been taught on ‘meekness’. However, our English Bible translations have not captured the true meaning, truth and impact of that word. We have come to understand meekness to mean, humble, lowly, even the idea of weakness.

Meekness:(praotes gr.4240) “ it is an inwrought grace of the soul; and the exercises of it are first and chiefly towards God. It is that temper of spirit in which we accept His dealings with us as good, and  therefore without disputing or resisting; This meekness, however being first a meekness before God, is also such in the face of men, even of evil men, out of a sense that these, with the insults and injuries which they may inflict, are permitted and employed by Him for the chastening and purifying of His elect.”

(Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words)

This meaning identifies and is synanonmous with the character of Jesus. Jesus did not assert Himself at any time; He remained under the direction of the Father and thus was at rest in the ‘providence’ of the Father. Jesus did not dispute or resist the manifold assaults of men, even evil men He understood the place of ‘abiding’ even in the face of Hell’s fury.

Hebrews 5:8, “Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things He suffered.” Jesus carried a cross long before He carried the wooden one to Golgotha.

In today’s Christian experience, another Gospel has come to roost. It’s more of a celebration of me or self .In our world of ‘Facebook’ and ‘Youtube’ generations of young and old clamor for  their moments in the sun, everyone wanting to be seen, heard,  understood and affirmed as  ‘somebody’ who is significant. Who, in this day and age wants to be assimilated into some vast faceless, meaningless sea of humanity anyway ? We all have a story to tell that is meaningful and important.

Our message, in order to attract the unbeliever and pacify the believer has morphed somewhat to a Gospel aimed to accommodate all those in and outside the faith. We would like them to sit comfortably in our services week after week never wanting them to feel uncomfortable with a message that may bring the searchlight of conviction too close to home. We have allowed ourselves to become O.K. with programs and sermons that help churched and unchurched Jack and Jill with self- esteem, finances and the more benign issues of our day. All the while, what they truly need is the ‘life’ that Jesus longs to give them through the ministry of His word, whether salvation or a need to re- dedicate one’s life to Christ. This method is too upfront for today were told, let us put it off until they are settled in and are ready to listen to the truth, by then the ‘window of opportunity may be closed, and their hearts no longer open or tender to the Gospel.

This ‘seeker friendly’ gospel is very attractive because it places no restrictions on its followers and ‘converts’ but sadly it cannot save or deliver them eitherThe ‘cross’ that Jesus calls us to is the custom made ‘vehicle’ that God employs to conform us into the image of His Son. We can insert in place of the word cross, adversity, suffering, loneliness, misunderstanding, trials …

The Western church has bought into a prosperity ‘feel good’ kind of gospel that seems to suggest that God’s primary focus and duty on our way to heaven is to keep us comfortable and happy. With so many success orientated books on how to be and do for God, we have lost our spiritual bearing on who we really are as sons and daughters of God. We are somebody because of God’s call on our life this alone as a Christian gives us purpose and relevance. We forgot that we take our cues from Him and not the other way around. Our self- importance at times is blinding.

Was it not Peter that wrote “ Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation.” (1Pet.4:12,13) NASB

This is certainly not popular teaching however, the scriptures are bursting with similar passages that reveal that adversity and trials are part and parcel of God’s vast arsenal of means and tools used to mature and perfect His children. We can contend with God on a continual basis demanding our own ways and resisting His methods that are designed to conform us into the image of His Son; God’s number one purpose for us on this earth. Albeit after decades, this indoctrination has left the church in general, childish and very carnal. Our choices have reward and consequences, after years of well intentioned but erroneous teaching the church in North America strikes a familiar resemblance to the church in Corinth, although they came behind in no spiritual gift they were still carnal, and very shallow indeed.

Why the cross or why would God employ such negative or disparaging means on His own people?

From a natural point of view this does not make a whole lot of sense, however from an eternal point on view God’s ways seem to run in contradiction with ours most of the time until our minds begin to be renewed.(Isaiah 55:9-11) (1Cor,2:14) (1Cor,1:18)

First, our very nature is at enmity or hostile to God and His ways. (Romans 8:7)

We were all by nature children of wrath, fallen, in darkness. Our entrance into the Kingdom of God through salvation in Christ alone brought forth the light. This glorious light pierced our darkened hearts exposing the corruption that had separated us from Him.

God delivered us from the domain of darkness and freed us from slavery to sin, however we were not delivered of our carnal natures, my apologies but they are all still very much part of us. However, the process of being renewed in our minds by the word of God and the enabling power of His Holy Spirit is transforming us that we might live in an ongoing relationship with Christ no longer walking after the lusts of this world. A reading of Romans chapters 6,7,8 would refresh our memories on this point.

“For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Rom.8:14)

The ongoing  process of having our minds renewed, washed and thus having the mind of Christ is no overnight work as some might claim.(Rom. 12:1-3)

In fact Ephesians 4:22-32, reveals once more an ongoing work in unison with the Holy Spirit. Paul’s account in 1Corinthians is an insight to an ongoing battle not with demonic forces without but an inward struggle within. His spirit man battling to keep the upper hand of his spiritual walk, in union with Christ over his carnal man.

Time and space limits me to expand this point further but consider Joseph’s trials and adversity to gain an insight as to the  ‘ways’ of God in forming the character of the man or woman into conformity to that of His own Son.(Ps105:17,18)(Rom.8:29)

A future Prime Minister of Egypt molded in the prison cell of Egypt.

Dear saints of God, the cross is not only necessary but also absolutely essential in the making of mature sons and daughters. God with great patience and skill is perfecting His children in the fires of many trials, preparing them to rule and reign in this life and the next with a spiritual influence gained only in the wilderness journeys of life. Only as  God has been able to set us aside for Himself for brief times of ‘learning His ways’ can we ever hope to come forth as Jesus did out of the wilderness in ‘the power of the Spirit’

This may not sound like the Gospel you were taught, however if scripture is our final authority on truth than there are volumes of such examples written therein for our instruction.

We have set up this blog for the same reasons I wrote the book. I wanted to call attention to an up and coming ‘tidal surge’ that has been in the making for some years but has now gained so much more momentum while encountering little resistance.

The reasons why certain teaching takes root and multiplies may be many but primarily when there is an absence of sound biblical teaching and a deep love for the truth, error spreads and is passed on as the real deal.

I thought to post this first article with a call to believers to once again consider the sanctifying work of the Cross. The Cross- that saved us is also the Cross that will decimate our natural, carnal man and transform us into the image of Christ, a mature holy and passionate son and daughter of God.

For a more thorough study on this subject which might be of some help to you and your understanding of the ‘Cross” with its many aspects please read;

“An Outdated Gospel: The Setting of the Cross in the West” (by Rene Caza)

This article was updated on January 1, 2025

Rene Caza is married to his wife Yvonne. They were saved in 1975 in the ‘charismatic renewal’. They have three children and six grandchildren. Rene was involved in prison ministry for ten years. He taught Christian foundation classes in his local church and was also involved with men’s ministry.

Rene has written 3 books focusing on the Christian Church in the West and the evolution of it’s position on the Gospel and the Cross. These books are intended to confront and expose the church’s troubling departure from sound Biblical doctrine in the pursuit of teachers and teachings that satisfy their ears and hearts.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they draw to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” 2 Timothy 4:3

Rene invites you to read his books in prayerful consideration of his message.