What Is Truth?

Pontius Pilate will forever be remembered for uttering those words as Jesus stood before him silently; falsely accused, awaiting Pilate’s judgment.

This is perhaps the question of the ages. From the dawning moments of history and across the globe in our day — humanities ceaseless quest for truth reaches out to clutch just about any and every proponent making claim to have found it. From any number of half- starved half- crazed neurotics on street corners, religious zealots of every stripe, radical cultist, to mystical Eastern Gurus right up to and including the more polished sophisticated corporate wall – street types – who have over the centuries asserted to either know the truth or could point to the truth or were in fact claiming to be the truth!

Truth?  What is it? Or perhaps who is it?

There is sufficient evidence to highlight that across the wide expanse of claims whether believable or fantastic they for the most part seem to have one common denominator that predominantly points to the realms of – spiritual or mystical dimensions.

Aside from being over the top delusional, and for obvious reasons I suppose, one look within the average person is proof enough to persuade most of us that- no, nothing in me looks like the source of truth. While multitudes still grapple with human philosophies, mind bending cults or on the darker side — toying with the supposed lost wisdom from Ascended Masters – eerie things that go bump in the night – many without a doubt are weird and creepy but surprisingly well received when smartly packaged and marketed nowadays as the real deal of truth. Nevertheless, the pursuit of truth for countless multitudes remains un- abated, an endless quest.

Happily and with great gratitude many of us who were at one time living or perhaps existing is the better word – people who were lost, depressed, shattered and living in chaos and darkness have now by God’s grace ‘alone’ found the -TRUTH; its origin, its light and ecstatically its abundant life.

Only one person in all of history secular or sacred not only claimed to know the truth but openly taught that He was in fact the embodiment of truth, not in part or an expression of it, but the genesis, its beginning, its end!

Jesus Christ is not only, its architect, engineer, its spokesman but more importantly the source and foundation where all other truth is derived from and firmly established upon.

Truth is not just some aspect of Jesus character, it is His essence; in the same way that light and  life itself are derived, exist and come forth from Him, in contrast, apart from Him there would be nothing at all.

In the first chapter of the Gospel of John we read;

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overpower it.”(John 1:1-5)

Most believers of the Christian faith would recognize these words describing the eternal past revealing the timeless person of Jesus as the Creator of all things. Yet, another profound fact is added here to the text, ‘in Him was life’ ; Jesus Christ is the fountain of life and for multiplied millions of Christian believers worldwide we can all attest to that fact not only by mental assertion but most importantly by a dramatically changed life.

From that source all things came into being — LIFE. These words as you ponder them – exclaim an unshakeable, authentic reality that is everlasting and endless; for the unbelieving crowd — very disturbing. However these truths are self- evident and impact the human heart in the same way the star filled heavens in the night sky speak to us or the endless waves of the ocean leave us personally with this sense of insignificance, irrelevance in distinction to such — grandeur. An unshakeable impression that we are in something so vast, so incomprehensible, a timelessness so infinite, yet a universe that is real and tangible – majestic, striking and magnificent – a breathless splendour, a  brilliance – the Truth!

However we are not insignificant in this infinite universe. It is hard to understand our place and especially our value or worth in it when we attempt to measure off the inestimable past and future to try and find meaning, purpose, origin, or future…? There can be no sense to it if seen only through the lens of a cosmic accident or a big bang. In this scenario there can be no personal connection to a past or future, a person or Presence — we are in fact simply an accident, some abandoned orphans left alone in the galaxies. Amoebas in a quagmire pool of ooze waiting for the spark to ignite our base DNA origin — initiating our supposed journey to land, air, and on top of the food chain as intelligent man???

Tragically for this man or woman though their endless theories of origin stack up as high as the ceiling—the heart still pains for the elusive connection of truth that will finally bring rest to the expanse of his/her aching and empty soul.

This is the sum of mankind’s quest embodied in Pilate’s rhetorical perhaps despondent question:

‘What Is Truth?’

This article is not a theological thesis or an outline for debate, this is an appeal to Christians.

These observations are simply laying out the obvious realities all around us with the simple hope it will cause some or many to consider them in a genuine sobering fashion. What is the truth in the big picture of the universe and also more importantly truth for my life right now? These two aspects are both connected by the very same truth.

For the unsaved man or women this may still pose a dilemma not having come to terms with Jesus Christ, the Word of God – Light, Life — God Himself. So they continue to plod ahead in the darkness with the hope their notions and philosophies may someday – over some rainbow – materialize.

However, for Christians, we have come to know the embodiment of truth found only in Christ, we have His words, light, life and the indwelling of His Holy Spirit yet there seems to be this resurgence or renewal not into the truth of God’s word but apart and outside of it for ‘more truth – additional truth! Can this even begin to make sense?

Blaise Pascal wrote way back in the 1600’s that “truth is so obscure in these times and falsehood so established that unless we love the truth we cannot know it.”

I believe the fork in the road for genuine believers in Christ in this hour is not about knowing whether Gods Word is exclusively, solely the truth — that should be a settled fact. The question needs to be asked of each of us on whether we accept it to be — enough?

This peripheral alternate route has always been around arousing curiosity. Some secret desire to look into strange and mystical teaching to broaden – supposedly our intellectual spiritual grasp – an all- inclusive understanding to better appreciate other realities that in actuality can only  detour earnest seekers away from God’s truth — seducing them into mystical, supernatural realms.

Maybe the ‘perfect storm’ idea is the best way to describe our dilemma. When multiple factors as in nature come together to enhance and magnify the size and power of the hurricane.

In this perfect storm scenario, we have a few components merging to amplify its effect pushing believers off course leaving them in perhaps unchartered and troubled waters, yet not fully aware of the peril. The primary component is the authority of the Bible. It has pretty much been de-valued and downgraded from its once eminent status of unquestioned importance. In many polls over the years Believers have come to see it no more as God’s Word, inspired or authoritative but a book with only good moral stories and lessons for life in general. Even for those who claim to adhere to its validity, serious study has been set aside for the exhilarating common place occurrences of ‘spiritual experiences’.

The Bible though revered as God’s Word fails to rise to the place of uncontested truth. There is a more modern and troubling rationale that there is more to Christian life and experience then what the Bible teaches – even though you may never hear those words actually said.

Based on this fact alone, the perfect storm has gained size, mass and strength. There are many other contributing factors in this tempest here but I will highlight two more that are now taking their toll breaching what was once thought to be the impregnable walls on the unrivaled authority of the Bible held to be the absolute TRUTH for believers for thousands of years.

When the Bible is downgraded or tossed aside it creates a spiritual vacuum; you can be sure something else is going to rush in to fill it?

The Bible is God inspired – ‘God Breathed’ (2Tim. 3:16) think of that for a moment.

Words in a book that have been God Breathed, words that have the essence of life and power in them. Words that if we desire to obey and uphold them transform our lives.For this reason alone it has the power and dynamic force to bring sweeping changes into people’s lives altering and changing conditions that were once anchored in their lives wreaking havoc, destruction and death. Out of our personal chaos and devastation came life, light, joy and peace, the evident and concrete proof of an ever present and loving God. (Ephesians 2:4; “But God who is rich with mercy…”) (Hebrews 4:12; Colossians 2:9, 10)

Our second observation is taking an honest inventory of the Christian Church in North America. For the most part the data would depict troubling aspects among its congregations — boredom, passive indifference, social centers, gathering places where people meet to hear anything but good solid Bible preaching. Church sanctuaries have become politically correct safe zones; big on diversity, culture, arts, music, psychology and the latest Christian entertainment all in an attempt to keep everybody happy, awake, alert, yet sadly unchanged.

The third aspect of this storm is called relativism, which is the concept that there are NO absolute truths. Everything has only relative, subjective value according to one’s perception or in other words — everyone‘s belief or experience is as valid, meaningful and real as anyone else’s. Since there are no absolute truths who is to say that my belief, practice or experience is not from God or wrong?  Experiencing your own mystical/ spiritual encounter various gods, a different Jesus or with angels, spirit guides, glory clouds or what have you – has in our day become the prevalent focus – tossing out foundational Biblical truth.

We could add more but these three are the biggest factors in our perfect storm. Relativism, the condition of the Church in its dormant distracted condition and then add to that the rejection of the Bible as the ultimate and final authority for the Church and you have all the elements in place leaving the Church in a much compromised condition.

A vacuum ready to be filled, a church exposed, vulnerable, open to be infiltrated.

As mentioned earlier the question for all born again believers is this:

 Is the Bible in fact enough? 

For all who watch trends in the Christian Church you are well aware of ‘new winds’ perhaps similar to old winds but cloaked in different language and practices all meant to take us further away from our ancient moorings of God’s word. A storm front moving in taking everything that is not anchored down -out to sea.

What is raging across the land is the result of decades of rejecting God’s word as absolute. While portions of the Church maintain a sound orthodoxy considerable numbers though claiming to be adherents have become some of the biggest promoters of error in North America. Whether you call it New Age or occult, centering prayers of meditation, positive thinking, and seeker friendly or emerging, cosmic experiences or Human potential – the fact remains it is still another gospel! It may come wrapped looking like the real thing, but the end result is diverting people away from God’s word – not to it.

For Christian believers, we need to take an up to date lesson from Adam and Eve‘s exchange with the serpent; this should sound a warning alarm inside of us. How is it that they did not question a creature who not only questioned God’s command but encouraged them to strike out on their own, be independent, and think for yourself, there is more out there than what God has told you, whispers the sly deceiver? God has not told you everything…!

Sound familiar, ‘there is more’ outside the Bible or ‘off the map’ as one well known preacher says as he encourages Christian to do likewise. Hey, there is more than what God is telling us, God is holding something back. Does He really mean what He says? There is more truth than what’s contained in the Bible, go ahead and launch out! The insinuation is to look beyond the Bible, it cannot possibly have all the answers!  Seek the strange experience and hidden knowledge — the accumulated wisdom of men, ascended dark Masters of the universe, celestial supernatural experiences that will enhance and heighten your spiritual journey. God has given us these tools why let the devil have them…?

When the authority of the Bible raises a question mark in our hearts for whatever reason, we are already considering or perhaps are already involved in some other so called truth.

Watch out for the hook!   

Relativism for the Christian is a non – entity. God’s word is absolute, my life is transformed by it, it provides us with ALL THINGS pertaining to life and godliness – but ONLY through a true knowledge of Jesus Christ. God does require my obedience and yes God will take me through some tough seasons of life — that’s standard and normal for Christians who follow Christ. Let no one tell you different. God has also provided warnings, not to hinder us, but to provide the believer with direction to walk this narrow road of life. There is no need to venture beyond the parameters of that Word to find what God has already provided for us in Christ – in abundance.

What is ‘not enough,’ is not about God or His word, but in us. We are the ones who were bankrupt, destitute, lost, needy…Yes this sounds like the conditions of our former lives before Christ, yet can we honestly admit that perhaps we have allowed this first love of God of ours to wane, to diminish? Has other voices slithered in raising questions as the serpent did with Eve, enticing us with other supposed valid realities not told us by God’s word — arousing or distracting our full attention to other things  — located out there somewhere — just waiting for us to grasp them.

Beware of those who offer you the quick fix or a formula to your self- discovery – your god inherent powers within. While many false prophets and teachers are promising life, liberty — freedom to be all you want to be, cosmic revelations that will unearth who God meant us to be! (The original deception that we are somehow mighty ones in and of ourselves.) There is no source of truth, goodness or light tucked away anywhere within us, take a good hard look. Yet what we are in Christ by His Holy Spirit is marvellous, amazing and eternal.

The Christian landscape at large in our nations reveal a desperate people. But perhaps an obstinate people as well.

We are being deceived and lured away from the eternal truth of God, because deep down we simply refuse to believe or sadly after many years – we are still not convinced of God’s goodness towards us in relation to all things.

The Bible is the absolute and the only truth to be found anywhere on the planet. Have we failed to move deeper into this relationship with God? Maybe we sense God will require more than just lip service, pledging our love and obedience which repeatedly gets set aside in our other pursuits which seem more stimulating, thrilling leaving little or no time for God on a daily basis.

This is the key; it is ALL about relationship. Knowing this God of ours personally. Bible verses stored away in our memory banks alone does not constitute something that is intimate, up close and personal. Knowing God and His ways and being known of Him, loved by Him and embraced by a graceful Heavenly Father when we merit nothing and deserve the consequences of our iniquities is what God offers us all. Yes, we need His word in our hearts but let us go on to cultivate this relationship with Christ into something more radiant and passionate that we find clearly written in His Word.

I believe this is a pivotal time in our nations, the foundations are shifting in no small way, but tragically away from the Bible. Many leaders say God will not judge our nations because we are a Christian nation upholding Judeo- Christian values; frankly, do we really hold up those values?

In 1 Peter 4:17 Peter teaches that judgement begins at the House of God and if it begins there what can we expect for our country at large.

In my last book I highlighted that perhaps judgement had already begun!

Please ponder the following heart rending conditions exploding in our nations in an ever increasing measure.

Take a look at the accumulated tolls of 40 years of abortion, not to mention the morning after pill.
–United States, since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 – 55,772,015 (over 55 million!) (Life News)
–Canada, according to ‘Right to Life’ – Toronto, estimate;    96,815 abortions per year.
–Worldwide it is estimated to be at 42 million babies aborted per year.
–We are terminating the lives of more offspring in one year (worldwide) than the entire population of Canada.
–Perhaps a small percentage could be understood for medical emergencies but what about the overwhelming majority?

Then there is the escalation of drugs such as cocaine, heroin and marijuana.
–In 2013, the National Institute on Drug abuse stated that 24.6 million Americans 12 years old and older had used illicit drugs in the past month.
–This is 9.4% of the population. In 2002 it was only 8.3 of the population.
–The numbers are steadily climbing.
— Officials cite that marijuana is increasing steadily upward, being the drug most people begin with and then move on to harder drugs.

The alarming and disturbing sex slave trafficking industry world- wide is accelerating even in our western nations.
—Human trafficking is the third largest international crime industry.
–Drugs being first and weapons second.
–UNICEF estimates that there are 20.9 million victims as of 2012.
–14,500-17,500 people are trafficked each year in the U.S. alone.
–Think of that, 20.9 million young girls and boys, and yes men also but the vast majority are women (80%) forced against their will, at times kidnapped from their families, all victims of scams, lies and deception forced to do the unconscionable.

Please bear with me for a few more statistics that anyone can take the time to verify these numbers from valid, substantiated and official web sites.

For most the word ‘porn’ conjures up a very negative response and rightly so.
–The pornographic industry on both sides of the camera drums up almost 3 billion dollar per year in commerce.
–12% of the web sites on the internet are for porn.
— Every second over 3 thousand dollars is spent on porn sites.
–40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites.
–2.5 million E-mails per day are pornographic…

Marriage, according to most research groups, fifty percent of marriages fail. Then you have teen pregnancies, unwed mothers, fatherless homes, single parent homes with burned out Moms trying to make due. Credit card scams going through the roof, school shootings, and drive by shootings, unparalleled corruption in governments, our jails are overflowing and to top it all off we are seeing the escalation in terrorist attacks in our nations, activated and homegrown at times but predominantly radicalized Islamic terrorists who stealthily slip through our borders to kill – for no other reason than they hate our freedom, our democracy our truth…

Can anyone else see that our walls are down spiritually?                                                                              

The hedge of protection-is open!

Where does it stop, where does it end?               

If this is not judgement – what else will judgement look like — if not this?

The Bible and prayer were thrown out of public schools in the sixties (US) and the consequences that followed have been dire and so obvious. For other countries God has been dead for decades or a non-entity.

Are we reaping the harvest of our own sowing?

At some point in the future, we may possibly face a more severe verdict if the Christian Church in North America and around the globe continues to turn away from God’s Word as we look around the world.   We need to recognize — it is the believers in any nation that fashion and build an atmosphere and frame work for God’s blessings over their countries to abide. People who by their obedience to His word also incorporate His word within their laws and reap the benefits of those promises.   However if believers move out from beyond the parameters of His word and refuse to heed the patient warnings how long can we expect those blessings to continue?

Are we harvesting in small portion His justice, a wake – up call to pull us back from brink where our meandering ways are leading us?

How we need to heed the obvious warnings and return whole heartedly back to God and back to His Word.

“Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.”(Proverbs 14: 34)

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and the people whom He has chosen for his own inheritance. (Ps.32:12)

“Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.” (1 John 3:1)

“… as His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him (Jesus) who called us by virtue and glory.”(2 Peter 1:3)

Shall we miss it? Shall we fail to appreciate ALL that God has provided for us here? Nations founded on Judeo –Christian values but most importantly on His Word. Shall the Christian believers in these blessed nations turn aside, turn away from Absolute Truth to be then humbled and chastened? The many voices who though they claim to exalt God and His Word– in contradiction to His Word encourage the saints to partake of strange teachings and practices condemned by God, moving us beyond the hedge of God’s counsel and blessing.

“For You have magnified your word above all Your name.” (Psalm 138:2c)

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.”(Isaiah 40:8)

“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.” (John 17:17)

Dear saints of God, what we are seeing happening in our nations is no accident or coincidence. These nations are being ravaged by unseen forces bent on our destruction. We as citizens have turned from our pursuit of God! Let’s face it, we may invoke His name and give Him thanks, but have we hid His word in our hearts that we might not sin against Him?(Ps. 119:11)

The decadent immoral society is a direct correlation to its spiritual health. We are reaping a limited judgement, while the sins of our countries continue to build upwards. Only the patience of God’s love retains and withholds the full expression of His judgement previously foretold in the Bible in regards to other great nations before their downfall. Only the Church can stand in this gap in hope to suspend the licentious flood. However, God’s people will have to stay alert in this most desperate hour.

For even from within the sanctuaries of many Evangelical Christian Churches the devil’s beguiling question is still being echoed saying “Yea hath God said? An insidious final assault in an attempt to forever remove and disavow the Bible as the veritable word of God.

We will have to shake ourselves from the spiritual stupor over our nations and hold the course.

Pilate looked into the very face of Jesus unable to discern or recognize ‘Who’ was standing facing him. Swayed by the crowds and political entities manipulating the moment– Pilate buckled into the darkness.

Shall we in like fashion as Pilate fail to recognize the moment, shall we also look into the face of Jesus in this hour and despondently say in similar fashion, ‘what is truth.’ 

“What is truth?” (Pontius Pilate) ——– “I am the way, the truth, the life…” (Jesus Christ) 

This article was updated on December 31, 2024

Rene Caza is married to his wife Yvonne. They were saved in 1975 in the ‘charismatic renewal’. They have three children and six grandchildren. Rene was involved in prison ministry for ten years. He taught Christian foundation classes in his local church and was also involved with men’s ministry.

Rene has written 3 books focusing on the Christian Church in the West and the evolution of it’s position on the Gospel and the Cross. These books are intended to confront and expose the church’s troubling departure from sound Biblical doctrine in the pursuit of teachers and teachings that satisfy their ears and hearts.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they draw to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” 2 Timothy 4:3

Rene invites you to read his books in prayerful consideration of his message.